Country: -Thailand-
Province : *
Island :
reef’s name :
Face E/W/N/S :

Send your photo
( only jpeg,gif,png max:500k )

Place where you saw. ( Drag&Drop Marker to the position. If you don't know ,please Click 'Remove Marker' button )

Date / Month / Year : *    
Reef width (approx.) : (m.)
Maximum depth of reef (approx.) : (m.)
Time when record depth :

Reef topography at the diving site :

Reef Type :

Zone of the reef where you observed :

Percentage cover (visual estimate)

- Live hard coral : %
- Dead coral rock : %
- Dead coral rubble scattering on sand : %
- Soft coral : %
- Sea fan : %
- Fleshy algae : %
- * Other* : %
- Sand floor : %
- Rock floor : %
TOTAL : 100 %  

Other* means animals attach firmly on floor such as sea anemone, zoanthid, corallimorph, giant clam

Common type of coral (you can tick more than one if find more than one type)

Massive (hump, boulder shape)

Submassive (thick branch or column)

Branching (can be short or long)

Table (short branches spreading horizontally)


Encrust (thin layer covering on floor)


In average, in the area approximately 10x10 m you find....(or answer only for the last column)

1. Needle spined urchin :
or (per 1 dive)

2. Crown-of-thorns starfish :
or (per 1 dive)

3. Sea cucumber :
or (per 1 dive)

4. Parrot fish :
or (per 1 dive)

5. Bumphead parrot fish :
or (per 1 dive)

6. Grouper :
or (per 1 dive)

7. Snapper :
or (per 1 dive)

8. Butterfly fish :
or (per 1 dive)

9. Napoleon wrasse :
or (per 1 dive)

* If you answer for the last column, how far you dive : (m.)

Dive site rating

Reef attractiveness (dive site rating) :

Hard coral variety :

Reef fish number :

Reef fish variety :

Damage in the reef

1. Fishing gear (such as net) :

2. Spear fishing :

3. Dynamite blasting :

4. Diving :

5. Shell collecting :

6. Stepping/holding on to coral :

7. Oil slick :

8. Anchoring on coral :

9. Sediment :

10. Sewage :

11. Crown of thorns star fish infestation :

12. Dead from coral bleaching :

Water visibility and sea floor

Water visibility (viewed horizontally underwater) : (m.)

Water temperature : (°C)

Sea floor :

Additional comments :

Reporter : *

Dive Operator :

Address :

Telephone :

E-mail Address : *

* Force enter